Tag Archives: Krampus

Parade of Spirits

Have I really been so remiss in keeping up that I never posted our performance from Parade Of Spirits? I perhaps was waiting until I had cut the video I (still) have queued up that is more of a highlight of the whole event, rather than a documentation of our show. However… as a freelancer it seems my own projects tend to get back-seated the most, so that one is still in the hopper. So. Here’s our show from Parade of Spirits, that I am much delayed in posting. A Latin invocation! Kids performing with fire! The Krampus Stomp! Oh and a totally amazing stage set made by Michelle and Tim, without whom we’d be a lost bunch of fire performers.

Here’s a gallery of some additional images too:

Krampuslauf 2015

As always, life gets in the way, and I only realized yesterday that I still haven’t posted a recap of Krampuslauf. What to say? The Krampuslauf kids… wow. We’re so proud of them! Tara, Xtina and I met up with the kids the night before our fundraiser and taught them a little choreography. (Well, Xtina and Tara taught them. I’m rubbish at that part, haha.) They recorded the dance, took great notes and practiced all month. Watching them on stage was great. They had fantastic faux fire props- hoops with battery powered tea lights, LED hangers made from wire and fan operated fire pots. I hear they’re already working on how to make the props brighter and planning for next year. Can’t wait!

The weather- how could it have been any better? I’ve never been sweating in my Krampuslauf furs before! This freakishly warm East Coast might make the holidays feel a bit strange, but it’s great for a mid-December outside gathering. We did have one small incident though- our intrepid Safety and All-Around-Awesome-Guy Alex ran eyeball first into a tree branch while he was helping back stage. A cornea scratch and eye-patch later he’s on the mend. You’d think our first major injury would be related to the dangerous things that we do, not an angry tree! Glad he’s feeling better.

On to the photos. Of course, this is one of our most photographed events of the year. The costumes! The parade! Not to mention that the Krampuslauf group consists of some really great photographers. Steve Schultz and Michelle got together after the show to capture some great fire breaths. We’re so proud of our dragon! Ryan Wismer from PHL17 came by again and posted a really fantastic gallery. We’ve got a ton of photos over on facebook, here are some of my favorite.

Here’s to a New Year, looking forward to everything 2016 will bring!!

2014 Krampuslauf

Every year Philadelphia Krampuslauf gets bigger and better! This year was no exception. There’s something about the crowd, the collaboration, the excitement…. everyone is really there to have a great time. The costumes are consistently amazing. I wish that we could march with the parade, but we’re usually setting up for the show. We had our full group this year, which was a ton of fun. Lots of fur (we scrabbled around at local thrift stores to find the real stuff… you want to singe, not melt!) and home made horns- we even got to use the AMAZING headdresses that Xtina made a few years ago. (They’re also going to be displayed at the Krampuslauf exhibit at iMPeRFeCT Gallery in January — “UNVERIFIED PERSONAL GNOSIS: KRAMPUSLAUF PHILADELPHIA, PARADE OF SPIRITS”)

Enough rambling. Photos!!! These photos are all copyright their respective photographers, who we thank profusely for allowing us to share here.

Krampus AND the first Philly Flow Social!

We are going to be some busy ladies on December 13th! First… Krampuslauf!! Krampuslauf2014PosterOne of our favorite events of the year! We’ve got some fun stuff planned, including a mini kids showcase as an opening act- right after the procession and before we light up the stage. Really can’t wait. Our fingers are crossed that the weather is a bit better than last year… as always, its a free family-friendly event, so bundle up the kidlets and come on by! There’s even going to be a food truck with some special Krampuslauf dishes.

Then, if you’re in Philly anyway, why not come by the first ever Flow Social?? It’s a non-fire event, but that means its in a warm and toasty indoor location, so a perfect place to thaw after Krampuslauf. There’s a great lineup, its definitely worth checking out. Tickets can be purchased here.
